In addition to being crowned tournament winner, each event will designate these additional Awards:
MVP - The Most Valuable Player for THAT Tournament
The BEST Dressed Player or Team
The Singles Specialist
The Best "TEAMMATE" which can be most congenial, hardest working player on the team, etc
- A BLUE CARD is a warning for profanity, obscene gestures, or other unsportsmanlike conduct, ie paddle throwing, court abuse, net abuse, equipment abuse, repeated score infractions, or any conduct the director or referee deems inappropriate or unsportsmanlike.
- A 2nd BLUE CARD is a point deduction for that player. If a player gets a 2nd BLUE CARD after a game has completed, the ref can force the teams to replay the final point or let the next game for that player start with a point deduction.
- RED CARD is given when a player has alrteady received 2 BLUE CARDS and continiues to commit infractions. RED CARD is an ejection from the event and forfeit for the team.
- A BLUE CARD is a warning for profanity, obscene gestures, or other unsportsmanlike conduct, ie paddle throwing, court abuse, net abuse, equipment abuse, repeated score infractions, or any conduct the director or referee deems inappropriate or unsportsmanlike.